Seven Oldest and Most Beautiful Saint Petersburg Subway Stations

Subway in Saint Petersburg

Saint Petersburg subway or metro is not only the fastest way of transportation but also absolutely amazing, extravagant and historical place. You can visit it even when you come on a cruise liner. 


The idea of creating the subway in Saint Petersburg first appeared in the 19th century. In 1820, a Russian engineer Torgovanov appealed to the emperor Alexander I via Count M.A. Miloradovich with a proposal to set up a railroad tunnel under the Neva. The tsar wrote on the petition the resolution to allocate two hundred rubles from his funds to Torgovanov and make him sign a paper not to come up with such projects any more. More than a hundred years later, in 1940 the subway construction was started and on the 15th of November 1955 the first 7 stations of the red line were inaugurated.

Curious Facts

Saint Petersburg underground is the deepest in Russia and one of the deepest in the world as it runs under rivers with the deepest station Admiralteyskaya (86 meters). It is the closest to the State Hermitage museum.


Admiralteyskaya Station


The subway was created as a giant bomb shelter. When you are at the bottom of the escalator - have a look around - you will see a metal belt which hides huge doors.


Subway construction had ideological meaning that was difficult to underestimate. «Underground palaces» is the best phrase to describe the idea. The Soviet government wanted people to feel pride for their country when going to work and home every day and that is why the best materials - natural marble and stones, mosaics, sculptures, extravagant chandeliers, everything associated with palatial style were used to decorate the stations which also referred to important Soviet events.

  1. The first stations were «Ploschad Vosstaniya» (Uprising square) - which was the first to be seen by visitors coming to Moscow railway station. It highlighted the importance of Leningrad as the cradle of the October revolution.


Ploschad Vosstaniya Station. Political Meeting. Retro photo.


  1. Pushkinskaya - as we say in Russian it «killed to rabbits with one shot» - accomplished two main goals - commemorated the greatest Russian poet Alexander Pushkin and the first rail road which connected Vitebsky railway station with Tsar’s Village ( now town of Pushkin - in 1949 the place got the name of the poet).


Pushkinskaya Station


  1. Tekhnologicheskiy Institut - the station was devoted to the development of sciences as it is located opposite one of the oldest educational establishments in the country. This station has two platforms.


Tekhnologicheskiy Institut


  1. Baltiyskaya - grey marble used for the station resembles sea waves. It reminded that Leningrad ( Saint Petersburg) is a port city located on the gulf of Finland and showed courage of the sailors of the baltic military fleet.


Baltiyskaya Station


  1. Narvskaya - at first they planned to name it Stalinskaya - to commemorate Stalin, however later they decided to devote it to workers of this district of the city as earlier it was working outskirts where most uprising movements started.


Narvskaya Station


  1. Kirovskiy Zavod - the name means Kirov Plant which is one of the oldest factories of Russia and that is why in decorating the idea of industrialization was highlited.


Kirovskiy Zavod Station


  1. Avtovo - a gorgeous station which looks like pantheon of glory and is devoted to the defendants of the city during the second world war and the tragic days of the Siege of Leningrad. The most beautiful subway station with glass columns which you can enjoy on your way to Peterhof.


Avtovo Station